ACCESS TO OFFICIAL INFORMATION AND OPEN GOVERNANCE (Level of information transparency of the Armenian state bodies, based on the results of monitoring of official websites)


The Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression (CPFE) has been monitoring the official Armenian government websites to assess their level of information transparency for three years in a row. This monitoring is supported by the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED). An analytical report based on the findings is prepared each time. The report is then published in a form of a trilingual brochure (in Armenian, English and Russian). The current (third) edition of the report covers the monitoring results for 2013.

 This particular study was conducted in accordance with an improved methodology based on an automated information system EXMO, developed and used by our partner organization – Institute for Information Freedom Development (Saint Petersburg, Russia) and generously provided to CPFE for use in Armenia. This system allows to examine and assess the official websites in an online regime, and to address the shortcomings with the people responsible for the websites. In essence, EXMO is based on the idea of a dialogue between representatives of state bodies and the experts who analyze the websites. At the same time, the system ensures transparency of monitoring and assessment.

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