Lecturer of Yerevan Brusov State Linguistic University
Date and Place of Birth: October 19, 1959, Meghri, Armenia
1976-1980 Yerevan Institute of National Economy; Department of Financial Accounting; section of Finance; economist
1983-1989 Yerevan State University; Philology Department; philologist
1995 International Institute of Journalism (Berlin), “Media Management” (a two-month course)
2005-present lecturer of Yerevan Brusov State Linguistic University
2009-2011 expert of the Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression
1999-2009 (January) expert of Yerevan Press Club
1998-1999 executive director of “Armenpress” news agency
1997-1998 chief editor of “Hayastani Hanrapetutiun” newspaper
1994-1997 deputy chief editor of “Hayastani Hanrapetutiun” newspaper
1993-1994 head of the department of information and public relations of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia
1990-1993 deputy chief editor of “Hayastani Hanrapetutiun” newspaper
1984-1990 correspondent of “Arax” regional newspaper (Meghri)
Membership in Journalistic Associations and Their Governing Bodies:
Since 1987 Journalists Union of Armenia, Board member since 1997
Since 1995 Yerevan Press Club, Board member
Since 2003 Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression
1985 first prize of republican competition among journalists covering youth topics
Publications: “Arax”, “Grakan Tert”, “Avangard”, “Garun”, “Hayastani Hanrapetutiun”
1998 “Absolutely Black Body” book (collection of stories in Armenian, Yerevan)
2003 “The Fourth Angle of a Triangle” book (collection of stories in Armenian, Yerevan)
2005 “The Edges of Revolution” book (stories in Armenian, Yerevan)
2007 “ABCAI: Circles of Dying” book (story in Armenian, Yerevan)
Hobbies: traveling, literature, sport, computer, Internet
Languages: Armenian, Russian, fair knowledge of German and English
Marital Status: married with two children
Contact Information:
Tel. (374 99) 51 08 65 (mob.)
Home address: 8-14, Tumanian district, Avan,Yerevan, 375101
E-mail: mesrop.cpfe@gmail.com